No More Shame

Then the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the shame of your slavery in Egypt.”
Joshua 5:9 (NLT)

Shame is a state of mind. What you are a slave to can do that to you. Many things can have you in bondage. You can be held captive by abuse, abandonment, emotional struggles, addictions, poverty, or your shame-based thinking. But the Lord comes along and says, “Today! Today, I have rolled away your shame!” They were in the wilderness for forty years, and now they crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land. They stepped out of slavery into freedom. When you decide to step out of your shameful thinking, you too can come into a new reality. When you choose to believe that you are deeply loved by God, completely accepted and forgiven, you are stepping out of slavery. No shame will be able to stand when you choose to agree with God that in your very core, you are His creation made significant and loveable. So today, God has rolled away your shame; live in this new reality!

Dear Father, I have been in the bondage of slavery for too long. Thank You for Your love and freedom. Today I choose to accept Your unconditional love and leave all my shame behind. In Jesus’ Name.


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