
O Lord, listen to my cry; give me the discerning mind you promised.
Psalms 119:169 (NLT)

We need many things in life, but one of the most important is discernment. Things are seldom the way they appear. How important is it, then, to know the mind of God when we are in various situations? Solomon told us in Proverbs that we need to seek wisdom. We need to go after it like we would golden treasure. James writes that if we lack wisdom, all we need to do is ask God for it. What a gift. What love that God would not leave us here clueless! The Psalmist asks God to “give me the discerning mind you promised.” God promised, are you asking? Today, stop and seek the wisdom of God. Ask Him for discernment in all you do.

Father, how I need Your wisdom. How I need Your understanding. I desire Your discernment to see me through this day. Thank You that You will give me the discerning mind you promised.


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