Receiving His Love

And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way.
Colossians 1:10 (NIV)

There is a fine line between doing good to earn someone’s affection and doing good because you already have it. Take God. He created us out of love. He has redeemed us out of love. We don’t have to earn His favor. We become His child through the acceptance of His finished work on the Cross. From then on, it is love and gratitude that should motivate us. But some of us have a hard time receiving that kind of unconditional love. What kind of marriage would it be if we had to constantly earn our spouse’s love? Wouldn’t it be a shame to have a spouse who loves you so much, and yet, because you couldn’t receive that love, you constantly feel as if you must earn it? It is the same way with God. Yes, Paul asks us to “live a life worthy of the Lord” and to “live in a way that pleases God.” But nowhere does it intimate that we should live this way to earn His love. Instead, the Apostle John wrote that we should love God because He first loved us. Today, rejoice in the love that the Father has for you. Love God because His love for you is secure.

Father, thank You for Your love. Thank You that I don’t need to earn it. I don’t have to live under fear and condemnation; rather, I can simply enjoy Your favor. Help me to truly receive Your kindness and Your abiding love.


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