Grace, Love, And Fellowship

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
II Corinthians 13:13 (NLT)

What a wonderful God we have. He could have set creation in motion and ignored the human species. He could have given up on humanity with all the rebellion and rejection we have given Him. Instead, God has made us the object of His affection, the crown jewels of His creation. And as a Triune God, He has purposely given us everything we need to have a relationship with Him. As God the Son, Jesus has given us grace through His life, death, and resurrection. As God the Father, He is love, so He shares His own nature with us. As God the Spirit, He fellowships with us in a way that is compatible with the way we think and feel. Grace, love and fellowship. Today, spend time with God and find out all He has for you.

Dear Lord, I thank You for manifesting Yourself in ways that I can know and understand. Thank You for Your love, grace, and fellowship through Father, Son, and Spirit.


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