
“Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.”
Psalms 34:14 (NLT)

Who said peace is easy? Anyone can be at peace when there aren’t any problems. Instead we need to work for it. We are to turn from evil and pursue peace. We need to let go of our selfish ambitions and instead, do good to others. If peace alludes us, we are to search for it. Finally, we are to work hard at maintaining the peace that we do have. This means turning the other cheek, preferring others over our own self, doing to others in the way we want to be treated. It means praying for peace. Seeking God and asking for His wisdom, understanding and courage. Today, seek peace with all your heart, work hard at it.

Father, You desire us to be at peace. Help me today to be at peace with You and all those around me.


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