Help Me

Help, LORD.
Psalms 12:1

Sometimes, the most significant prayers are the simplest. “Help me!” It is the cry of the heart that God hears. David knew what problems were like. But he knew where to turn. In another Psalm, he wrote, “In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.” How about you? Will you cry out to God to help you? What is it that your soul needs? What is the longing of your heart? Talk to Him, and pour out your heart. He will listen.

Father, thank You for the invitation to pour out my heart to You. I cry, “Help me.” Please help me where I don’t even know I need help. Help me in ways that only You can. Help me with Your power, Your love, and Your wisdom. I commit myself to Your loving care. In Jesus’ name.


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