Do This

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love.
I Corinthians 16:13-14 (NLT)

What a “to do” list! It is such an important list of things to do for our spiritual vitality. What is so exciting is that God would not ask us to do something He will not help us with. Standing firm is within our grasp. All we need to do is focus, ask God for His help, and be as diligent as possible. He will guide us. He will give us the strength and power to do what He has asked of us. Today, be on guard against spiritual apathy, attacks, and adversaries. While you are on guard, stand firm on His word and your faith in what He has said and who He is. When trouble comes remember who God is and what He has asked us to do. Be courageous in your attempt to be strong. Finally, if all else fails allow Him to work through you and do everything you do today with love! God is good and He will help you do what He has asked you to do. Simply trust and obey.

Father, thank You for providing all the help and strength I need. Please help me to be on my guard and stand firm in my faith. I need Your help to be courageous and strong. Lord, please help me do everything I do today with love. I ask this in the name of Jesus.


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