His Power

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.
Ephesians 6:10 (NIV)

There is no doubt in this life we need to be strong! How many times are we gripped with uncertainty, fear, and doubt? How often are we attacked by rogue thoughts that would take us captive and leave our souls barren?  It seems no matter how weak we get, we still have more room for weakness. But today’s passage says, “Finally, be strong.” And we try! But our strength just doesn’t seem to be enough. That is why I rejoice in the rest of the passage. When we continue reading, we see that we are not alone in this spiritual battle. No, the verse says, “Finally be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.” What a difference a few words can make. We are to be strong, but not in our power. Instead, we are to lean upon the generosity of our Lord Jesus Christ and His mighty power. Today, take a few moments and meditate on what “His power” really means. Consider what it can do; think about your life and how different it would be if God unleashed His power in it. This power is what He offers. He says, “Come today and use my power. Don’t try to do it on your own. Lean on me. I will give you my strength, so come, be strong in me!”

Father, today, teach me about Your power. Show me how strong You are. Open my eyes to the possibilities before me as I trust You and Your mighty power.


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