

“Then Peter came to him and asked, ‘Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?’ ‘No, not seven times,’ Jesus replied, ‘but seventy times seven!”’
Matthew 18:21-22 (NLT)

Forgiveness is not an option. Okay, it is. We are allowed to choose whether or not we will forgive someone. But in reality forgiveness is not an option if you want to live the kind of life that Christ did. If you want the peace of mind that comes from living the way God wants you to. If you truly want to live in the fullness of His Spirit, trusting Him with your life, then you will surrender to His love. You will trust His sovereignty. You will radiate from deep within your own heart all the forgiveness He has given you and you will in turn forgive others. Peter knew how difficult it was. He sincerely asked, “Seven times?” But Jesus knew how important it was. He said, “Seventy times seven!” Today, search your heart. Is there unforgiveness? If so, turn to Christ; ask for His power, and forgive.

Father, unforgiveness is like a cancer to my soul. It is eating me alive and I seem powerless to forgive. Help me. Forgive me for my unforgiveness and give me the strength and the compassion to follow You and Your forgiveness on the Cross. Help me forgive today, I pray. For Jesus sake.


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