Who Have you Been With?

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”
Acts 4:13 (NIV)

Have you ever noticed how deeply influenced we can be by those that we spend time with? Reading books by the same author will deeply influence you to their way of thinking. People who have been married for a long time become more and more alike. A student becomes much like their favorite teacher and a disciple of martial arts much like their sensei. Today’s passage tells us that those that were arresting Peter and John were astonished at how much influence Jesus had on these men. How about you? Can your family tell who you have been spending time with? Who do those at your work believe you are inspired by? Today, start to build a deeper relationship with Christ. Spend time with Jesus and let Him influence your mind and behavior. Let Christ teach you, guide you and direct your path. When you do, others will be astonished and be able to tell you have been with Jesus.

Lord, I want to spend time with You. I want my life to be permeated with You so that others may recognize it and desire the same thing for their life. Teach me, guide me, mold me, I pray. In Jesus’ name.


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We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt

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