Tag Archives: Ron Ovitt


How amazing are the deeds of the LORD! All who delight in him should ponder them.
Psalms 111:2 (NLT)

What do you spend time pondering about? It is easy to see the glass half empty. We have a negative bias. We can be on vacation in a beautiful paradise and still be full of misery. The accommodations are lacking, the food is subpar, the beach too crowded! How we need to refocus ourselves. As children of God we should be pondering all He is and has done. His love, His grace, His majesty are enough to fill our lifetime with wonderful mystery. So today, refocus. The glass is half full. God is still on His throne. You are deeply loved and favored by God. Look for the goodness of God throughout this day. It is there.

Dear Father. Help me see Your amazing deeds today. Help me ponder all that is around me that is good and Holy. Help me be expectant and full of wonder at Your grace. In Jesus’ name.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt

More Faith

The apostles said to the Lord, “Show us how to increase our faith.”
Luke 17:5 (NLT)

There are so many gadgets. So many software programs and if that isn’t enough there are apps for about everything. It seems that I have all I can handle just to learn the basics. I learn just enough to do what I have to do. What a surprise when I end up in a predicament only to find out that the software, app or gadget can solve my problem. It was there all the time, inherent in the tool but I did not take the time to learn about it. It is that way with our faith. When the disciples ask Jesus how to increase their faith, our inclination is to focus on the faith. As if we could whip up faith through some mental state. A certain tone of voice, body posture, heightened emotion and voila, a deeper faith. But the secret is not in the faith, it is in the object of our faith. Our faith increases as we know and experience God. As we hear the testimonies of others, as we read about the lives of faith others have lived. As we join others and begin to ask God for great and mighty things, our faith grows. It’s already there. Everything we need is in Him. Today, know Him, experience Him, believe Him. Your faith awaits.

Dear Father, show me more of Yourself. I want a deeper knowledge and experience of You. Through this, I pray, increase my faith.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt

Don’t Give Up

One day Jesus told his disciples a story to show that they should always pray and never give up.
Luke 18:1 (NLT)

Jesus had many spiritual lessons He wanted to impart to His disciples. Love was a major tenet of His teaching. Faith was another. In this verse we see that Jesus had yet another important lesson for the disciples to cling to. He told them to pray and never give up. It is a great combination. Some have prayed but after a while give up. Others have persevered but never took their issue to the Lord. Here Jesus is teaching us that there will be many times when we will get tested and tried. There will be times that we need to persevere. But He reminds us that we don’t persevere alone. He said that we are to, “always pray and never give up.” Paul writes it this way, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Today, what have you been persevering about? What is heavy on your heart? Bring it to the Lord, for He said to pray and never give up!

Father, I have hung in there so long. I have waited and am so close to giving up. But You tell me not to. Instead I am to pray. So I come to You today. Hear me Lord. Give me strength. I give my burdens to You. Help me I pray. In Jesus’ name.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt


Then he said to them, “You like to appear righteous in public, but God knows your hearts.
Luke 16:15 (NLT)

It is so easy to perform. We play different roles depending upon which play we are in. At work we are one person, at home another. At school we adapt to the particular people around us and at church we put on the righteous role. The question is, “who are we?” When we quit coping, quit people pleasing, stop posturing and posing, who are we? If you know Jesus, you are a child of God, a citizen of heaven, a disciple of Christ. This is not pretend. It is a reality. When you dedicated your life to Christ you became citizen of another world. Integrity, love, truth, justice, morality, purity these are virtues of His kingdom and run counter to what we, as humans, have come up with by ourselves. That is why in the very next verse Jesus says, “What this world honors is detestable in the sight of God.” Today, Jesus invites you to keep it real. You don’t need to act, perform or appear to be something you are not. Instead, give Him your heart and ask for Him to guide you. Confess any sin, repent of your behavior, live for Him and love others. This is what God is looking for.

Father, keep me from pretense and posturing. Help me to be real with You. I want to live for You in all I do. Help me to this end I pray.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt


For I am poor and needy, and my heart is full of pain.
Psalms 109:22 (NLT)

The Lord is not put off by our lament. Life is hard and there are times where we cannot make sense of anything that is going on. There are times that seem so unjust. Others feel as if God isn’t paying any attention at all. And so we cry out to God. We let Him know how we feel. Anger, sadness, fear, disbelief all come surfacing to the top and we unload. How loving God is to hear our desperate complaints. But it doesn’t stop there. In the Bible when there is a lament, when all the emotion is spilled out on the floor, there comes a moment of sanity. A time of reflection that allows us to readjust our sails, reset our bearings, regather our soul. In this Psalm the author wrote, “Help me, O LORD my God! Save me because of your unfailing love.” The author was able to give it back to God. After the recommitment, there is a moment of praise. In this case the author wrote, “But I will give repeated thanks to the LORD, praising him to everyone. For he stands beside the needy, ready to save them from those who condemn them.” Today, don’t hesitate. Let God know what is on your mind. Spill out to Him your lament. Purge your soul of its emotion, reground yourself in the Lord and then praise Him because He does care for you.

Dear Father, You know my heart. You know my pain. Hear my complaint; put me back on the right path. Cause my heart to praise You again. In Jesus’ name.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt


In the wilderness their desires ran wild.
Psalms 106:14

The wilderness may seem like a great place to visit but there is a reason people don’t live there. It is a barren place, a place that lacks the ability to sustain human life. It can have extreme weather, a place where you can go without water or nourishment. It is also a place that can test and try your very soul. The Psalmist said it was a place where the hearts of the Israelites ran wild. You may not have to worry about a wilderness where you live, but where does your soul live? Is it living in a wilderness? Is it barren, existing without water or nourishment? Without the spiritual care that you need, you could end up in the same place with desires running wild. Today, don’t settle for the wilderness when God wants to give you the fertile land of His word. Don’t settle for barrenness when God wants to give you the fruit of His presence. Come live in the Promised Land.

Dear Father, I confess that I have often kept my soul in a wilderness. I need You. Come nourish my soul and give me life.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt


The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn’t believe his promise to care for them.
Psalms 106:24 (NLT)

There are sad stories, but this is one of the saddest. After years of slavery, Moses liberated the children of God. However, because of their disobedience they wandered in the wilderness for forty years. Finally, they were on the border of the Promised Land and God told them to send out twelve spies into the land. When they came back, ten of the spies gave a negative report saying it was impossible to overtake the giants that lived in the Land. Joshua and Caleb said that they should trust God to give them victory. Sadly, the people ended up refusing to go into the land. Why? Because they were scared? At first glance it seems so, but today’s verse shares the sad truth. The real reason they did not enter the promise land was they doubted God. They doubted if He cared; even worse, whether He was able to care for them. How many opportunities have you missed? How many times have you let fear stop you from following God? How many times have you doubted whether God cared for your situation? Worse, how many times have you doubted that He would or could care for you? Today, repent of your unbelief. Put your faith in God and let Him lead you into the land He has for you.

Dear Father, forgive me for my crippling doubts. Help me to know You more so I will trust You in everything You ask me to do. In Jesus’ name.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt


No, the LORD’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love.
Psalms 147:11 (NLT)

What does God delight in? He delights in you! When my boys were born and started growing up, it was obvious to me that they were human. They had all the traits, foibles, and characteristics that any normal child would have. But what delight they gave me. There was no surprise. I knew what to expect in a child. I knew their tendencies, accepted their idiosyncrasies and loved them. They gave me delight. How much more God delights in you. He knows exactly who He created. You are no surprise to Him. He knows all about you and delights in you. And He really delights when you respond in kind, when you know Him, trust and hope in Him. He is your Father and delights in you. Today, delight in Him.

Dear Father, thank You that I am Your delight. Help me today to delight in You.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt

Who Have you Been With?

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”
Acts 4:13 (NIV)

Have you ever noticed how deeply influenced we can be by those that we spend time with? Reading books by the same author will deeply influence you to their way of thinking. People who have been married for a long time become more and more alike. A student becomes much like their favorite teacher and a disciple of martial arts much like their sensei. Today’s passage tells us that those that were arresting Peter and John were astonished at how much influence Jesus had on these men. How about you? Can your family tell who you have been spending time with? Who do those at your work believe you are inspired by? Today, start to build a deeper relationship with Christ. Spend time with Jesus and let Him influence your mind and behavior. Let Christ teach you, guide you and direct your path. When you do, others will be astonished and be able to tell you have been with Jesus.

Lord, I want to spend time with You. I want my life to be permeated with You so that others may recognize it and desire the same thing for their life. Teach me, guide me, mold me, I pray. In Jesus’ name.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt


When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.
Psalms 94:19 (NLT)

It is easy to let doubt fill our heart and mind. It could start as a “not quite right” feeling. It can escalate into a pervasive fretting and apprehension, as if there is a predator constantly following you. Unchecked it could grow into a paranoia even phobic reaction to certain circumstances. When doubt fills our mind it leads us down a dark lonely path. However the Psalmist had a better idea. He let doubt become a trigger. Not a trigger to escape to some addiction, isolation or chronic busyness but rather a trigger to repent and call on God for comfort. Crying out to God changes everything. Why? Because He is God! And when God gives us comfort it renews our hope and gladdens our heart. Today, sense when your mind is beginning to feel with doubt or when you are anxious. Feel when you beginning to fear and let this awareness be your signal to repent. Repent and cry out to God for comfort. He will renew your hope.

Dear Lord, help me to sense when I am being troubled by doubts and fears. Help me to repent of this unbelief and come to You for comfort. Please Lord, renew my hope and bring joy to my heart.


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You can get this Daily Devotional sent to your e-mail as “Moment In the Word”. CLICK HERE to have this Daily E-votional sent to your e-mail

Do You Know What Your Spiritual Gifts Are?
Now You Can. CLICK HERE to Get your FREE Spiritual GIfts Test and Workbook

Do you want to know how to be a Child of God? CLICK HERE to find out how


We are doing a new devotional ministry you may be interested in. We already do MOMENT IN THE WORD a daily devotional.
Now we are going on Twitter featuring a daily Personalized Bible Affirmation taken from our own Personalized Bible Paraphrase. Each day you will find the verses inspirational and written in a way that helps you personally pray them. Go to twitter and follow us @ronovitt